The story behind


Project Manager: Murad khoury


The IDB office project is located on the 27th floor of the Toha Building in Tel Aviv.  The project spans an area of 2,200 square meters, net, divided into management and manager’s rooms, 2 conference rooms, open space, cafeterias, reception areas and communication room.

As part of the project, construction, air-conditioning, electrical, fire detection and plumbing work was executed.

During the project, we encountered two interesting and unique challenges:

The first challenge – Resin Floor

The main part of the floor plan and the hallways in the main called for a resin floor.  The resin floor is a decorative concrete floor made of layers of concrete, where between each layer, we polish and clean and finally 3 layers of resin are applied until a uniform attractive surface is achieved.

The main problem arose when there were a number of different flooring types, resin, laminate and carpet, and each material had a different width.  In order to create a uniform surface, we laid the concrete in various layers and added    dividers between the different types of flooring.   Resin work is conducted in layers, so it needed to be conducted over a long period of time, which took a calendar month of work at the same time as the work construction at the site, while protecting  the layers and ensuring a uniform product without damage or scratches.

After the resin floor was laid, we applied 3 protective layers to the product until the completion of the project.

The second challenge is the construction of the conference rooms using rounded partitions.

The floor to ceiling partitions were defined as rounded partitions and the rounded glass under the partitions involved connecting two flooring materials.

In order to execute the aforementioned planning, special templates were prepared and we ordered all the materials and profiles and glass together.  At the same time, we proceeded with the preparations and the execution and the flooring materials according to plan.

The result was satisfactory and met the expectations and plans that were defined.

Note that IDB is an Israeli company that is privately owned by a group of Argentinean investors, led by businessman, Eduardo Elstein.  This is a very important and special client with special and unique character and taste.  Consequently, the entire construction and thought process related to the construction was conducted meticulously and at the highest level of quality that can be expected, while sticking to a tight schedule.

The final stage of every project is obtaining the authorizations of the Standards Institution, which is a very critical and important stage in the project, particularly for the client; and naturally, the final delivery of the project to the client.  Thanks to the skill and organization of the firm’s engineering department, we passed the tests and received the necessary occupancy authorizations.

Each step and problem was handled with the close support of the construction manager, the project manager and the office staff.  Note that the David Raz Management Company and a representative of the client supported each stage of the project and met all the requests and invested efforts in order to advance the project effectively.

The company allocated the necessary resources to reach an optimal outcome in terms of quality, construction and meeting the deadlines.

In summary, I very much enjoyed this project that was very challenging and taught me a great deal.  I anxiously await the next project. 

The stories behind the success

get in touch

Phone: 09-8633744
Fax: 09-8633755
E-mail: [email protected]
